800 artifacts of Dacian and Roman roots, at the National Museum of Archaeology from Madrid
On the occasion of commemorating the 140-years anniversary of diplomatic relationships between Romania and Spain, The National Museum of History from Madrid will host the exhibition “Archaeological Treasures from Romania. Dacian and Roman roots”. It is the first presence on Spanish ground of such a significant event, exclusively concentrated on Romania’s culture and History. The major project is, likewise, one of the most important organized by The National Museum of History from Bucharest in the last 50 years. The inauguration will be held on the 30th of September in Madrid, resulting from the fruitful collaboration with 39 Romanian museums, from which will be exhibited more than 800 artifacts. The visitors will have the opportunity to follow a chronological red thread, retracing the Romanian population’s construction process of their cultural identity. “Archaeological Treasures from Romania. Dacian and Roman roots” will be infused until the 27th of February 2022.
Romania will unveil in Madrid the unicity of her heritage, a legitimate fragment of the European one, and tightly linked to latin origins. The Romanian State temporarily brings original paragons in the National Museum of History from Madrid, thereafter related to artifacts from Spanish soil, in the exhibition. Along with the numerous Romanian museums, the Archaeology Museum from Sevilia, The Guardix City Council (Grenada), but also the Prado National Museum, have participated too, with pieces from their own collections meant to complete the set of exhibits. In partnership with the Romanian Embassy from Spain, the exhibition project is placed under auspices of the Public and Cultural Diplomacy Program established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Gold and silver jewelry, princely treasures, arms, tools, clothing accessories, coins, ceramic, glass, wood or bone pieces, sculptures of stone or metal - the artifacts collection summarizes the key-moments of inevitable transformations in time. The Coțofenești golden helmet, the Troesmis tablets of municipal laws, yet the Alburnus Maior golden mines’ tablets too, could be discovered exclusively by the Spanish public. All these unique pieces of inestimable value, among which dacic swords or the first Weisenau-type helmet, detach themselves from the sea of past time to voice what they had seen. The Glykon Snake (from the National Museum of History and Archaeology from Constanța) and a rare representation of Eros in amber (from the National Museum of History from Bucharest), stand out from the ensemble, being shown abroad for the first time.The exhibition highlights the country’s geographic position, which has allowed contact with surrounding tribes, triggering social mutations; a fact at the origin of the actual Romanian realm. Romania occupies a unique place, at the Mediterranean space’s crossroad, where the European and Asian continents meet. Its situation encourages, throughout the years, a confluence of multiple cultures at its heart, its soil being a historical spot of dialogs and exchanges.
The exhibition shows the Romanian territory’s Historical and cultural evolution during a period that goes beyond 1000 years. It is chronologically structured in six generic themes which cover specific civilisation phenomenons. The visit begins at the end of the first Iron Age, then passes through the La Tène civilisation’s presence on the territory, taking a turn at the Roman provinces' and dissident spaces’ situation. The visitor then arrives in the IVth-VIIth centuries A.D. time period, witnessing the European continent’s essential transformation.The ones who are curious about this part of the world’s History, will have the opportunity to contemplate the way in which those cultures’ changes are documented, at the end of the Hallstatt and Scythian Age (IVth-VIIth centuries A.D.), as well as their metamorphosis after the war between the Dacians and Trajan emperor (101-106 A.D.). The exhibition puts emphasis on aspects of Dacia as a Roman province (106-271 A.D.), while pointing out the linkage with Spain, by evoking the meeting between the Celts and the Romans. Treasures from Pietroasele, Turda or Histria, illustrate the Late Antiquity (IVth-VIth centuries A.D.) and the Epoch of wide migrations.
At the dawn of European culture, “Archaeological Treasures from Romania. Dacian and Roman roots” will whisper about civilizations merging together. We will cross the centuries along with the spirits inside the ambivalent, ever changing, past world.With the following Romanian museums’ participation : Complexul Muzeal Național Neamț – Piatra Neamț, Complexul Muzeal Național Moldova – Iași, Muzeul Național al Bucovinei – Suceava, Muzeul Național al Banatului – Timișoara, Muzeul Național de Istorie a Transilvaniei – Cluj Napoca, Muzeul Național al Unirii – Alba Iulia, Complexul Muzeal Iulian Antonescu-Bacău, Complexul Muzeal Bistrița Năsăud-Bistrița, Muzeul Civilizației Gumelnița – Oltenița, Institutul de Arheologie Vasile Pârvan – București, Institutul de Cercetări Eco-Muzeale Simion Gavrilă – Tulcea, Muzeul Brăilei Regele Carol I – Brăila, Muzeul Civilizației Dacice și Romane – Deva, Muzeul de Istorie Națională și Arheologie – Constanța, Muzeul de Istorie Turda, Muzeul de Istorie Teodor Cincu – Tecuci, Muzeul Județean Argeș – Pitești, Muzeul Județean Botoșani, Muzeul Județean de Istorie Brașov, Muzeul Județean Buzău, Muzeul Județean Gorj Alexandru Ștefulescu – Târgu Jiu, Muzeul Județean de Istorie și Artă Zalău, Muzeul Județean Ialomița – Slobozia, Muzeul Județean de Istorie și Arheologie Maramureș – Baia Mare, Muzeul Județean de Istorie și Arheologie Prahova – Ploiești, Muzeul Județean de Istorie Paul Păltănea – Galați, Muzeul Județean Mureș – Târgu Mureș, Muzeul Județean Satu Mare, Muzeul Județean Ștefan cel Mare – Vaslui, Muzeul Județean Vâlcea Aurelian Sacerdoțeanu – Râmnicu Vâlcea, Muzeul Municipiului București, Muzeul Municipal Carei, Muzeul Olteniei – Craiova, Muzeul Romanațiului – Caracal, Muzeul Regiunii Porților de Fier – Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Muzeul Țării Crișurilor – Oradea, Muzeul Țării Făgărașului Valer Literat – Făgăraș, Muzeul Vasile Pârvan – Bârlad, Muzeul de Istorie Petre Voivozeanu Roșiori de Vede.Links :http://www.man.es/man/fr/exposicion/exposiciones-temporales/202109-tesoros-rumania.htmlhttps://www.facebook.com/ambasada.madridhttps://www.mnir.ro/index.php/portfolio/conferinta-de-presa-dedicata-pregatirii-deschiderii-expozitiei-tezaure-arheologice-din-romania-radacini-dacice-si-romane-la-muzeul-national-de-arheologie-din-madrid-regatul-spanie/?fbclid=IwAR0pB_q7vjzdeoy0M_j9cKSAeJo5Odx2Y9O45KrmABNCuktl57PBzwhDYW4